Monday, May 19, 2008

Can India Inc swallow the ‘poison pill’?

The reason for utilising the poison pill defence is to protect shareholder value and interest while stalling entities such as asset strippers

THE contemporary global history of mergers and acquisitions may be tidily divided into two eras marked by the introduction of the defence strategy called the poison pill and the subsequent landmark ruling of the Delaware Supreme Court in 1985 which upheld its legality. Before that, hostile acquirers repeatedly struck terror in the hearts of corporate boards. If these wealthy dealmakers wanted to take over a company in a hostile acquisition, bite it into pieces, and then spin those pieces off for a profit, there wasn’t much that the boards of a target company could do to stop the massacre. The poison pill quickly transformed the takeover law and fortified the preemptive defences of companies.
The classic poison pill strategy (aka the shareholders’ rights plan) is one wherein the target company gives existing shareholders the right to buy stock at a bargain price if a hostile acquirer purchases more than a predetermined amount of the target company’s stock. The purpose of this move is to devalue the stock worth of the target company and dilute the percentage of the target company equity owned by the hostile acquirer to an extent that makes any further acquisition prohibitively expensive for him. There are many equally effective variations of the classic poison pill defence. This article examines the applicability of the poison pill in the present legal and regulatory framework in India.
The SEBI (Substantial Acquisition of Shares and Takeovers) Regulations 1997, commonly referred to as the Takeover Code, makes it difficult for the hostile acquirer to sneak up on the target company. It forewarns the company about the advances of an acquirer by mandating that the acquirer make a public disclosure of his shareholding or voting rights to the company if he acquires shares or voting rights beyond a certain specified limit. However, the code does not present any insurmountable barrier to a determined hostile acquirer.
In fact, the code, vide Regulation 23, imposes a general prohibition on the corporate actions of a target company during the offer period, such as transferring of assets or entering into material contracts and even prohibits the issue of any authorised but unissued securities during the offer period. However, these actions may be taken with approval from the general body of shareholders.
Regulation 23, however, makes an exception to the above situation by permitting the target company to issue shares carrying voting rights upon conversion of debentures already issued or upon exercise of option against warrants, as per predetermined terms of conversion or exercise of option. It also allows the target company to issue shares pursuant to public or rights issue in respect of which the offer document has already been filed with the Registrar of Companies or stock exchanges, as the case may be. However this may be of little respite as the debentures or warrants, contemplated earlier must be issued prior to the offer period. Further the law does not permit the board of the target company to make such issues without the shareholders approval either prior to the offer period or during the offer period (as it is specifically prohibited under Regulation 23). During a takeover scenario it may be critical for the board to quickly adopt a defensive strategy to help ward of an hostile acquirer or bring him to a negotiated position. In such a situation, it may be time consuming and difficult to obtain the shareholders’ approvals especially where the management and the ownership of the company are independent of each other.
We have to read the Takeover Code along with the SEBI Disclosure & Investor Protection Guidelines 2000, which are the nodal regulations for the methods and terms of issue of shares/warrants by a listed Indian company. They impose several restrictions on the preferential allotment of shares and/or the issuance of share warrants by a listed company. Under the DIP guidelines, issuing shares at a discount and warrants which convert to shares at a discount is not possible as the minimum issue price is determined with reference to the market price of the shares on the date of issue or upon the date of exercise of the option against the warrants. This creates an impediment in the effectiveness of the shareholders’ rights plan which involves the preferential issue of shares at a discount to existing shareholders.
The DIP guidelines also provide that the right to buy warrants needs to be exercised within a period of eighteen months, after which they would automatically lapse. Thus, the target company would then have to revert to the shareholders after the period of eighteen months to renew the shareholders’ rights plan.
Without the ability to allow its shareholders to purchase discounted shares/ options against warrants, an Indian company would not be able to dilute the stake of the hostile acquirer, thereby rendering the shareholders’ rights plan futile as a takeover deterrent.
As seen above, for the poison pill strategy to work best in the Indian corporate scenario certain amendments to the prevalent legal and regulatory framework are required. Importantly a mechanism must be permitted under the code and the DIP guidelines which permits issue of shares/warrants at a discount to the prevailing market price. These amendments would need to balance the interests of the shareholders while allowing the target companies to fend off hostile acquirers.
That said, history is ripe with examples of how a little legal ingenuity and a few pre-emptive strategies can fend off the advances of the most ardent hostile acquirers. One of the advantages of the poison pill strategy is that there is no rigid structure to it and it can be tailored to suit the particular needs of a company. As a result, Indian companies are not restricted to adopt the classic version of the pill i.e., the shareholders’ rights plan.
For example, DIP guidelines do not prescribe any pricing restrictions on the issue of non-convertible preference shares, nonconvertible debentures, notes, bonds and certificates of deposit. Thus, we may consider structuring a poison pill in place whereby backend rights which permit the shareholders to exchange the rights/shares held for senior securities with a backend value as fixed by the board, are issued to existing shareholders when the hostile acquirer’s shareholding crosses a predetermined threshold. As most takeovers are carried out through borrowed funds, the use of backend rights reduces the profitability of the takeover because of the mounting interest rates on borrowings; thus deterring the hostile acquirer and more importantly sets the minimum takeover price, which is the price at which the shares have been exchanged for senior securities.
Further, company could put in a provision in its articles whereby a hostile acquirer who succeeds in taking control of that company and/or its subsidiaries is prohibited from using the company’s established brand name. It is believed that different Tata companies have in place an arrangement with the Tata Sons holding entity, whereby any hostile (or otherwise) acquirer of any of those entities is not permitted to make use of the established Tata brand name. Consequently, the bidder might be able to take over the target Tata company but will be shortchanged as it will not be entitled to a significant bite of its valuation — the valued brand name!
Another variation of the poison pill that may be explored in India brings the Employee Stock Options Scheme (ESOS) into action. ESOS is governed by the SEBI guidelines of 1997, whereby a company granting options to its employees pursuant to ESOS has the general freedom to determine the exercise price, subject to the adherence to the accounting policies prescribed under the SEBI guidelines in this regard. Thus, an effective poison pill defence may be achieved by issuing ESOS at a discount, which would serve to dilute the share value of the hostile acquirer over the target company.
Indian companies need to shift from desperate defensive play to sitting ready on the offensive. It is time we introduce the poison pill to the Indian business world and adapt it to make it our own. However, the reason for utilising the poison pill defence is to protect shareholder value and interest while stalling entities such as asset strippers that do not have the best interest of the company in mind or add any value to it. LTTE cadres swallowed the cyanide pill around their necks and committed suicide as a last resort. Given the parallel between the LTTE’s cyanide pill and the corporate poison pill defence, companies need to ensure that this defence is not misused by errant management. So a company is welcome to utilise its benefits but warned not to convert it into its Achilles’ heel.

- Author is Rajiv K Luthra
Economic Times